The Rise of Voice Search
Voice search is a natural, intuitive way to interact with the internet. It's faster and more efficient than typing out your query in a web browser—and because of this, it's become one of the most popular ways for users to access information online.
Voice search can be used by anyone who speaks English or another language fluently—which means that it's accessible to everyone from kids who want to learn about computers and coding to adults who want help finding their favorite products online. Many people use voice search daily without realizing it!
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)
AMP is a project that Google launched in 2015. It's a collection of best practices for web development and will help you ensure your website loads quickly on mobile devices, which can be important when it comes to marketing. AMP has been specifically designed to work with publishers' websites, but it also allows users to add an AMP version of their pages through the browser itself.
AMP makes it possible for faster loading times by using HTML5 tags instead of CSS3 transforms or JavaScript-based frameworks like React Native or AngularJS which often take longer than necessary to load due to having more code being loaded at once (which needs processing).
Mobile-First Indexing
Mobile-first indexing is a method of making content accessible to mobile devices first. Google recently announced that they will be using this algorithm in their search engine going forward, and it's important you understand what it means for your business.
Mobile-first indexing means that if someone searches on a mobile device, their results will look different than if they typed "web" into the browser bar instead of typing "mobile." This could mean having more relevant results for users who are searching from their phones or tablets because those devices have access to more information than other devices do (like laptops).
Because Google wants its users to find things quickly and easily online, this change could make your website more visible in searches when people use mobile apps instead of browsers like Chrome or Safari. It also makes sense for businesses who want customers who come from all over the world—not just those within reach physically by driving distance!
Chatbots Domination
Chatbots are the future of customer service, and they're becoming increasingly popular. In fact, according to a report by IBM, chatbots will account for more than half of all technology spending in 2021.
Chatbots can be used to answer simple questions that customers have about products or services. They can also help customers make purchases, find information on a topic they're interested in, or even find solutions to complex problems.
Video Marketing Will Become More Important
Video marketing is a great way to reach your audience, but it's also an effective way to grow your business. The reason? Video content is more engaging than other types of content, and it's easier for people to share with others.
In fact, according to a study by Hubspot and eMarketer (a digital marketing research firm), the video will be the most important type of content in 2019 because it's likely to go viral on social media or be shared by friends/family members who weren't originally interested in learning about the product or service being promoted through social media channels like Facebook or Twitter.
Influencer Marketing Will Continue to Grow
Influencer marketing is a great way to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness. It can also increase sales, website traffic, social media followers, and more.
Influencer marketing has been growing in popularity over the past few years because of its effectiveness at driving traffic back to your website or blog posts. If you have an Instagram account that gets lots of engagement from users who follow it (and not just because it’s one of their favorite accounts), then there are some great ways you could use influencers to promote your products or services:
Posting a photo with an influencer on their platform
Posting a video featuring both parties talking about something related to what they do best (ease smoothies)
Personalized Content Marketing
Personalized content marketing is a form of content marketing in which the content is tailored to the specific needs of the target audience. This can be done in several ways, from targeting specific audiences to creating a unique experience for each customer.
Personalized content marketing has been around since its inception in the late 2000s, but it is still growing at an exponential rate thanks to advancements in technology and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The ability for businesses to reach out directly with relevant information makes personalized communications more effective than ever before—and this will only continue as time goes on!
Email Marketing Still Has Its Place
Email marketing is still a powerful tool. It’s the most effective way to connect with your customers, drive traffic to your site and promote products and services.
Email marketing is also great at getting people excited about what you have to offer—and building loyalty in the process. For example, if you sell shoes (or any other product), email newsletters can be used as an effective tool for getting people interested in trying out new styles or models before they buy them online or offline (by mail).
Social Messaging Apps
Social messaging apps are becoming more popular as people seek out more personal communication. They're also more convenient than email, which makes them an appealing alternative to the traditional way of doing business. And because the technology is relatively new, there's still plenty of room for growth in this area.
So, what are social messaging apps? They're essentially mobile apps that provide users with the ability to send text messages and images directly via their phone's mobile browser (versus using email). This means you can get your message delivered directly into your recipient’s inbox without having them download an attachment or open up another app first— saving time and effort!
Over To You…
Now that you've got a deep understanding of how digital marketing trends will change in 2022, it's time to put your knowledge into practice. With this knowledge at hand, you can make smart decisions about how your brand should adapt and grow over the next few years.
Here are some suggestions for staying ahead of the competition:
Follow trends that are already happening. Many companies are investing heavily in real-time analytics (RTA), but not everyone has access to these tools yet—if you want them right now, start building them! As more people switch over from traditional methods like email campaigns or print ads with less than 100% ROI return on investment (ROI), RTA is going great guns because it offers more transparency into where consumers are clicking as well as what they're doing once they get there."